John B. Miles Outreach & Education Award

Exposure of the VPP program is critical to our mission of safety in the workplace. This simply does not happen without your help. Outreach is due to employees from various VPP sites throughout the region serving on committees, performing outreach activities, and mentoring sites that want to enter the program. Management from VPP sites have allowed employees to take time away from their jobs, approving travel often at company expense, so their employees can help further the goals of VPP and VPPPA in creating safer work places in industry. The Region VI VPPPA Outreach & Education Committee will recognize a company that has shown its support for VPP and the VPPPA. The winner of this award will be announced at the Region VI conference. This award will be presented to top level management from the winning VPP site.  Managers from VPP sites have allowed employees to take time from their jobs and have approved travel freeing their employees to help further VPP. In today’s business environment with down sizing, cut backs, and other cost cutting measures, managers that make the decision to allow employees time away from their jobs at company expense, demonstrate commitment and support for VPP that should be recognized.


Download the application document.  Complete the document and add your first and last name as part of the filename then return to this page to submit your application.
Download Application

Must be in a Region VI location to be considered for an award (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
Accepted file types: docx, doc, pdf, rtf, Max. file size: 32 MB.


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