VPPPA is committed to delivering the most productive and rewarding membership experience to each of our valued member sites. Through educational offerings, publications and face-to-face and online networking opportunities, the association strives to provide employees at member sites with the latest best practices and relevant information on occupational safety and health and the Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). The below link will take you to the National VPPPA site. Once there, you will find all the information you need to become a member. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE AN OSHA APPROVED VPP SITE TO BECOME A MEMBER.
The above link will take you to the National VPPPA site
The Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association, Inc. (VPPPA) is the leading organization dedicated to cooperative occupational safety, health and environmental management systems. VPPPA, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, is a member-based association, providing a network of more than 2,100 companies and worksites that are involved in or in the process of applying to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) or the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP). For over two decades, the association has provided its members a direct link to OSHA, DOE and similar agencies within state-plan states and continues to offer a support network for participants from a wide variety of industries. The association works closely with OSHA, OSHA state-plan states, DOE and the Department of Defense (DoD) in the development and implementation of cooperative programs within the agencies. VPPPA provides occupational safety, health and environmental leaders with networking and educational offerings, up-to-the-minute legislative information, industry advancements, preferred vendors and consultants dedicated to VPP, mentoring opportunities, professional development and volunteer opportunities.
- Our Team – See the elected Board Members responsible for Region VI VPPPA operations.
- Membership – Go directly to the National VPPPA site to learn more about membership offerings.
- Committees – Learn how you can help the organization.
- Contact – Submit your questions about the organization.
- Subscribe – Receive important information about upcoming Region VI events.
- Event Images – View past conference event images.

“To be a leader in health and safety excellence through cooperation among communities, workers, industries and governments.”