Attendee Registration
35 Years of Safety in the Workplace
MAY 19TH – 22ND

2025 Conference Title Sponsor – McKee Foods
In-depth pre-conference courses are available before the regular conference dates as well as your choice of unique peer taught workshops delivered during multiple instructional periods during the conference.
We take the time to recognize those individuals and worksites who go above and beyond. Apply for your own recognition or just come see what it is all about. All attendees are welcome. Want to apply for an Award? Learn More
Networking Opportunities
There will be opportunity to take advantage of the schedule to make those valuable connections with industry peers.
Expo and Keynotes
You have direct access to top rated vendors covering a wide variety of products for your worksite. We also provide you Keynote presenters that deliver!
What do I need to register?
No matter if you are a VPPPA Member, Non-Member, or OSHA/DOL employee, we have you covered. During the registration process you will need to have a unique email address for each attendee you want to send. If selecting the VPPPA Member option, you will need your VPPPA member site id to apply to your registration. If you don’t know it, contact the National VPPPA office.
Q. What if I don’t know who I am sending yet or we don’t all have valid email addresses?
A. See Here
Q. Why are there no individual registration discounts even if I belong to organizations such as the VPPPA?
A. Specific to Region VI VPPPA, the focus regarding price for this annual conference will always be to achieve the lowest possible price per person, or per exhibiting company, regardless of affiliation and especially in light of recent inflationary events. We feel this is important to spread the message of workplace safety as well as promote valuable successful safety programs such as VPP. At this time, we feel this approach will help grow the membership as it decreases financial barriers of the introduction of the VPP program at our conference as well as access to the advocates of the program who are part of the VPPPA organization. The cost for this extremely successful annual endeavor has always been lower than comparable industry conferences. Shop around and see for yourself!
Q. What is the class format?
A. Classes are generally lecture / interactive presentation format. Only classes listed as Pre-Conference are required for you to select during the registration process. All other classes do not require a pre-registration as they are walk-in. The class list is undergoing review and will be made available at a later date. Be aware that Pre-Conference courses are technically before the regular conference dates.
Need help with registration? Ask your question here..

Ready to Start?
It will help you if you have the following information for all of your attendees:
Name, Title, Worksite Location (VPPPA Site ID if registering as a member), Unique Email Address, Work Phone.
Special Note: We do ask for a mobile phone number but only use it to speed installation and access to the conference mobile app that will be provided at a later time. It is not distributed to any 3rd party.